FPCH Exterior

We seek to reflect the gospel of Jesus Christ through service and love.

Welcome to all who worship with us! If you are interested in becoming a member of this congregation, please contact the pastor or an elder. All are welcome!  

First Presbyterian Church
Huntsville, Tennessee

185 Woodland Place 
P.O. Box 39
Huntsville TN 37756 
Phone (423) 663-3456


YouTube facebook


The Rev. Dr. Dennis Falasco
Interim Pastor

Office Hours:
8 am - 3 pm
Tuesday and Saturday

There are times when the pastor must be out of the office during office hours. If possible, please call ahead for an appointment.



Sundays at First Presbyterian

September 8, 2024

Sunday School: 9:45 am

   Morning Worship
       Order of service

In addition to the in-person Sanctuary opportunity for worship, the service is available  here on the website (above) or online:
Facebook Live
Church YouTube Channel

Adult choir will begin rehearsals September 8 with a kickoff meal after  worship.. We encourage everyone to join one of our music groups. We have something for all ages. The musical offerings provided enrich our services and glorify God through worship. Please plan to join us! Details are in the Church News panel

Church News & Events 

E    Every Saturday the youth will meet from 5 PM to 7 PM followed by the young adults (ages18-30) from 7 PM to 8 PM.

    Every Thursday from 10 AM to 11 AM the church will be open for prayer time.

  Women’s Group meets the first Sunday of each month following worship.  Lunch is provided.

   Session meets the second Sunday of each month after worship.

Music Rehearsals

Children’s Choir:Ppresentation on September 8
Adult Choir will begin September 8th with a Choir Kickoff dinner following worship.

Good to Know . . .

Children Are Welcomed Here!

The First Pres Huntsville church family is happy to welcome every member of each family worshipping with us here in the Sanctuary. We offer nursery care for thildren 5 and younger. Children older, but not yet ready to sit with parents through the entire church service will be welcomed at the back of the Sanctuary where a supervised quiet activity table will be available. The children there will sense the pattern of worship in the Sanctuary while engaged in activties geared to their maturity level.


Our Church In Service to the Community

Recent activities have focused around working with other congregations to help meet the needs of those in our area who are food-insecure. The congregation participates in the anual "Souper Bowl of Caring" ministry with all collected funds used in our community for meeting local needs and our Youth Group recently assisted in serving food at a community meal.  As need for specific food and household products are apparent the congregation generously supports those requests as well.


Ministry of Music

Let's Play Handbells!
Middle School - Adults
Resumes in August

Adult Choir

Youth and Adults
Resumes in September


Children's Ministry 

Grades K-5
Resumes   August 18

Ongoing plans for this group include singing and participating in some of the ministries that our church shares among the membership and the community. 


1. By Mail

If you prefer, you may mail donations to the church P.O. box. The address is First Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 39, Huntsville TN 37756.

2. Automatic  Deductions via First National Bank of Oneida

If you bank with the First National Bank of Oneida, you may arrange for automatic deductions through their "Bill Pay" program. The bank will provide details.

3. Online, via the Presbyterian Foundation:

FPCH Donation Link 
For the convenience of those who prefer to use a secure online donation platform,  First Presbyterian Church - Huntsville, TN has now established an online giving program in partnership with the Presbyterian Foundation. YoYou will receive an automatic acknowledgement email from the Presbyterian Foundation as well as a year-end gift summary for tax reporting.


Saturday Gatherings

Youth Club

Jr. High and High School Ae; each Saturday,
5-7 pm at the church

A message from Youth Director Jason Falasco:

Questions? Concerns? Please contact Youth Director Jason Falasco (e-mail)

Young Adult Fellowship

Ages 18-30

This gathering gives young adults an opportunity to socialize, meet with friends, welcome new friends, and discuss issues and topics of importance to them.

This group is just getting started; it's not too late to share in the planning of  a broad range of activities and discussions.

Church Leadership
The Session

Officers of the Session

Liz Fancher:  
Clerk of Session 

Don Stansberry III  

Lori Phillips Jones
  Recording Treasurer


Class of 2023

Mark Blakely

Mike Douglas

Phillip Jones,
Church Family


Class of 2024

Casandra Karl
Christian E

Tracey Stansberry

Alice Golade


Class of 2025

Carter Owens 

Angela Morrow

VeRhonda Hembree

Mossop Memorial Cemetery Trustees

Mike Douglas

John Shields

Jim Morrow

Church Staff

Rev. Dr. Dennis Falasco

Interim Pastor

Pastor Falasco


The Reverend Dr. Dennis Falasco has worked in pastoral ministry for over 45 years. A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, he has had pastorates in New Jersey, Tennessee, California, Arkansas, and Idaho. He has been married to Becky for 46 years. She has been an integral part of his ministry with her education in Music. As Head of Staff, Dennis’ concept of ministry is to lead churches by developing teams for evaluating a broad range of membership opportunities and lay leadership skills. His primary focus is on Worship. He claims all a church does in programs and missions springs from Sunday Worship. His duties as interim include, but are not limited to, worship planning, facilitating all session and committee meetings as well as communication for the church to the community, and helping with the transition for the next installed pastor.

Beth Furrer

Director of Music; Pianist/Accompianist

Beth Furrer

"Music is my worship that allows me to praise without words."

Beth has been ivolved in church music ministry for almost four decades. After her long-time church pianist retired at her home church of Calvary Baptist in Bucyrus, Ohio, Beth took over the ministry at the age of 12. She also enjoyed accompanying the children’s and youth choirs, as well. This calling began a journey in the music ministry that has spanned several years and several denominations. 

Beth was a pianist and choir accompanist at First United Methodist Church of Oneida for almost 20 years and led the children’s and youth choirs for several years while directing the GANG (God’s Awesome New Generation) program. She also cherished the time of singing with and accompanying her mother at her church, Helenwood Baptist. 

Having the privilege of attending Wayside Christian School through seventh grade, Beth loved sacred music and being involved in choir and drama programs within the school and church. After moving to Tennessee in 1986, Beth quickly got involved in music by playing in church and accompanying her high school choir at Scott High, where she graduated in 1991. Beth began teaching piano with private lessons that same year. In 1992, Oneida Special School District hired Beth as a teaching assistant for the expanding elementary music program. While in the OSSD, she worked as a teaching assistant for Kindergarten and Kinderstart, led middle and high school choir for several years, and played accompaniment for the other directors of the program. She also taught general music in middle school and then took over the entire elementary program as a paraprofessional for the last several years before the program ended in 2010. Beth began playing for Mass on Saturdays at St. Jude Catholic Church in Helenwood, Tennessee, in 2017 and still does. Although not a Catholic, Beth loves her St. Jude family and believes no church should ever be without music during worship. Music speaks to the heart of all, no matter what denomination. 

Beth has been blessed to be a part of the First Presbyterian Church of Huntsville since 2018 and considers it worship with family. The music ministry of any church should create an atmosphere of worship and praise, and Beth’s prayer is that her music offerings and leadership reflect that spirit of worship and praise needed to unite our congregation in full worship to our Lord and Savior.

Beth lives in Oneida, TN, with her husband of 30 years, Rick. She has two adult children, Hannah Nelson (and husband, Ryan of Maynardville, TN, with her grandchildren, Felicity and Lincoln) and Nathaniel Furrer of Oneida. Beth continues to provide piano instruction from her home in Oneida and plans to provide music for worship as long as she can keep the promise made to her mother as a child, who wanted her to always “play for Jesus.”


Hannah Nelson

Choir Director

Hannah Nelson

I am looking forward to the beautiful music that I know this church will be making in all of our groups:adult choir, youth choir, and handbells.

My name is Hannah Nelson, and I am the Choir Director here at First Presbyterian Church in Huntsville, TN.

 In 2019, I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Performance from Lincoln Memorial University. I have also been teaching private piano lessons since 2012 and am always looking for new opportunities to make music with others. 

 I currently live in Maynardville, TN with my husband Ryan, daughter Felicity, son Lincoln, and our dog Sam. We are all very happy to be a small part of this amazing congregation, and I am personally looking forward to the beautiful music that I know this church will be making in all of our groups: adult choir, youth choir, and handbells. God bless you all, and thank you for having me here!

Michelle Massengale

Administrative Assistant, Custodian

 I hope that when people see or think of me, they are reminded of God’s love for them.

Michelle MassingaleI'm Michelle Massengale, and I am the administrative assistant and custodian. I enjoy serving the church and congregation in these capacities.  It is a little different than my “day job.” I have been a public-school teacher for 23 years and counting.  I completed my doctorate in 2014. I am married to J.C. Massengale.  Our family consists of two sons (Zack and Zander), a daughter (Mariah), my niece, who is like my daughter (McKenzie), and our family pets.  My family and I enjoy all types of sports, from basketball to NASCAR. 

My husband and I love being outdoors. I like playing card games and board games.  Reading is a favorite pastime as well.  The songs “I Am Blessed” and “Walking on Sunshine” are two of my favorites.  At some point, I would like to be a movie critic because I love to watch movies. My all-time favorite is “Gaslight” with Ingrid Bergman and Angela Lansbury.  

Most of all, I am thankful for the blessings God has given me.  I hope that when people see or think of me, they are reminded of God’s love for them.

Jason Falasco

Youth Director

"I'm excited to lend my efforts in building a youth program at First Presbyterian Huntsville! "

Jason FelascoJason began his Christian journey right here in Knoxville, TN in ’81 at Second Presbyterian where his dad took the position as youth minister and associate pastor. In ’87 his family moved to San Diego, CA where Jason participated in the youth program going on various mission trips to Mexico to help with their Vacation Bible School and community outreach. After graduating high school from El Dorado High School in El Dorado, AR in ’98, Jason eventually made his way to Idaho Falls, ID and helped with First Presbyterians youth program while coaching gymnastics at Idaho Falls Gymnastics Training Center. 
       In ’09 Jason decided to attend The Art Institute to pursue his passion of film and photography. Since then, he has had a wonderful career working on various film sets and photographing marketing material for several companies. 

Once again, Jason calls Tennessee home and is excited to lend his efforts in building a youth program!

Contact or Plan to Visit!

Weekday Office Hours
Tuesdays and Saturdays: 8 am - 3 pm

There are occasions when the pastor must be out of the office during normal office hours; please call ahead for an appointment if possible.



Prayer Requests

You may phone the church office [(423) 663-3456]  and leave a message if no one is in the office to take your call, or contact by e-mail.

Matthew 25 logo
Presbytery of East Tennessee 


First Presbyterian Church of Huntsville TN185 Woodland Place
P.O. Box 39
Huntsville TN 37756
Telephone: 423.663.3456


Please click in the map image for personalized directions. 





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